Transmission to Single or Multiple Sites
MPEG ComMotion
UDP 3.5 is a software platform designed for deploying and developing MPEG-1
and MPEG-2 video streaming solutions. MPEG ComMotion UDP 3.5 is ideal for
advanced multimedia solutions deployed over digital IP networks.
developed with MPEG ComMotion UDP 3.5 include distance learning, computer-based
training, corporate communications, surveillance systems, manufacturing process
monitoring, business TV, high-quality value added videoconferencing systems,
archiving and video libraries.
ComMotion UDP 3.5 consists of several components:
ComMotion Transmitter
ComMotion Transmitter is a software platform that lets you manage the streaming
process. Each streaming station can transmit several MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 streams
simultaneously in real-time to an IP network. Streams can be prerecorded or
encoded live using Optibase encoding boards. Encoded bit rates depend on the
Optibase encoding hardware you choose for your facility.
ComMotion Receiver
ComMotion Receiver plays back MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 streams in real-time and stores
them to a hard drive for later viewing. MPEG ComMotion Receiver is designed
for developing real-time MPEG playback applications in multicast, broadcast
or unicast modes. It supports multiple stream playback on a single PC. MPEG
ComMotion Receiver is based on Microsoft DirectShow architecture. It offers
ActiveX controls, allowing developers to customize and integrate the player
into large-scale applications. MPEG ComMotion Receiver has a configurable
single-file single-click installation utility for rapid deployment of large
installations. It is compatible with MS Internet Explorer, Netscape Communicator,
Visual Basic, C++ and Java.
MPEG ComMotion
Receiver supports Optibase’s MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 hardware-assisted decoders.