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The mediaSERVER software transforms storage into a plug and play resource for the mediaNET system.

The mediaSERVER supports on-line hard disk storage via the mediaSTORE RAID storage sub-systems or via native operating system or DNAS storage where these are available. mediaSERVER supports optical and tape jukebox storage as well as manual loaded CD-ROM, digital tape and analog tape storage formats and mediaSERVER understands the requirements of each storage format and can prompt the local operator to load appropriate media to provide the requested data. Additional information is carried as to physical locations of media and also of the location of data upon the media itself.

Analog media is supported where this may take the form of
'un-encoded' materials. The mediaSERVER is able to take automatic control of an assigned mediaVT unit and associated analog playback unit (e.g. a VTR) to automatically spool media to the appropriate location for digitization. A similar process for image scanning is provided.

mediaSERVER is a network co-operative application and two or more mediaSERVERS can be configured to act as a co-operative load-balancing pair or cluster. Media re-location can be performed via the administration tools manually or automatically by pre-set thresholds.


  • mediaMANAGER, E.D.M. (External Device manager), mediaCOPY, RAID manager.
  • Multiple platform support: Sun Solaris2 on SPARC, MS Windows NT4 on Intel
  • Multiple device support: Network and Local hard disk storage, Removable CD-ROM, Magneto Optical, JAZ QIC150, DAT, AIT, DLT digital tape.

    Analog and pseudo Analog. Optical Jukeboxes (driver software required). Tape Jukeboxes (driver software required).
  • Supports up to 100 streams.
  • Supports up to 6TBytes of on-line storage.
  • Supports up to 120TBytes of off-line storage directly and more than 1PByte via third party robotic systems.
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