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Real-time Transmission to Single or Multiple Sites

MPEG ComMotion Pro is a video streaming platform that encodes and transmits high quality MPEG streams in real-time over advanced digital networks, including IP and native ATM. MPEG ComMotion Pro is compatible with a wide range of Optibase encoding boards that offer an encoding range from 56 Kbps to 15 Mbps. MPEG ComMotion Pro is designed for OEMs, system integrators and VARs who want to develop and implement sophisticated streaming applications such as business TV, distance learning, business-to-business communications, corporate communications and video to the desktop. Corporations that operate in time-critical environments, such as financial services, use MPEG ComMotion Pro to broadcast multiple TV channels to employees’ desktops. Advertising agencies and post-production houses can present work in progress to remote customers. In addition, MPEG ComMotion Pro is ideal for remote security surveillance applications.

MPEG ComMotion Pro consists of several software modules

Transmission Server
The Transmission Server is a Windows NT station that contains Optibase encoding hardware and an MS DirectShow API. The Transmission Server can handle up to 16 MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 streams simultaneously (six live and the rest pre-recorded). It also supports the streaming of MP3 audio files. Encoded bit rates depend on the Optibase encoding hardware you choose for your facility and the type of server being used. The Transmission Server can transmit streams over multiple IP and ATM networks simultaneously, allowing enterprises to optimize network resources and select in advance the network type for a specific stream and destination. The Transmission Server can be controlled remotely by the MPEG ComMotion Director. Alternatively, system integrators can use the Transmitter ActiveX control to develop a customized front-end and integrate it into value added applications.


System Requirements

Available Hardware Options


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ComMotion Director™
ComMotion Director is an HTML based management platform that allows you to remotely control the MPEG ComMotion Transmission servers. ComMotion Director resides on a dedicated Windows NT server or can share the same PC as one of the Transmission Servers. You use ComMotion Director to remotely control encoding and transmission parameters, including start and stop times for transmission, destination address and the streams to be transmitted. ComMotion Director has an ActiveX control that allows customization of the management application and integration with other web-based management applications.

ComMotion Receiver
Viewers can watch TV at their desktops via the ComMotion Receiver. ComMotion Receiver supports streams received on ATM or IP networks. ComMotion Receiver supports both software and hardware decoders and has an ActiveX control and plug-in that allows system integrators to customize and integrate it into large scale networking applications based on MS Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Visual Basic, VC++ or Java. Designed for large-scale deployment, ComMotion Receiver has a customizable installation utility that enables one-step automatic installation on multiple clients.

ComMotion Recaster
ComMotion Recaster receives UDP streams and recasts them over IP and ATM networks. It can handle up to 16 streams simultaneously. The ComMotion Recaster can be used in multi-protocol environments to recast UDP streams to ATM networks. For example, it can receive a central multicast UDP stream from a satellite connection and retransmit it to multiple clients linked to an IP or ATM network. The ComMotion Recaster can operate as a stand-alone application or as part of the Transmission Server and can be controlled remotely the ComMotion Director.


  • Encodes and transmits up to 16 live and pre-recorded video or TV feeds (up to 6 of them in real-time).
  • Remote management of transmission servers via web-based interface.
  • Unicast and Multicast over IP networks.
  • Point to Multi-point over native ATM.
  • Software development platforms based on ActiveX controls and plug-ins for transmitters, receivers and the management application.
  • Up to six encoding boards on the same PC for real-time MPEG encoding and transmission.
  • Supports uploading to 3rd party video servers.
  • Recasts UDP streams to other IP or ATM networks.
  • Playback via Windows™ Media Player™ as front-end viewer or embedded via an HTML browser (Netscape or Internet Explorer).
  • Video bit-rates from 56 Kbps to 15 Mbps.
  • Runs on Windows 95/98/NT.
