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Multi-Channel Streaming

MGW 2000, a multi-channel, rack-mounted video streaming server, is designed to serve as the critical core of high-quality video networking and streaming solutions for broadband networks. MGW 2000 is robust, compact and flexible. It transmits live and pre-recorded streams over broadband terrestrial and wireless networks such as DSL, Ethernet LANs, satellite, cable and LMDS. By supporting networking protocols such as IP multicast, RTP, and UDP transmission, MGW 2000 ensures the seamless distribution of rich media content.

MGW 2000 encodes, multiplexes and transmits up to 6 live MPEG-2 and MPEG-1 streams, providing top-quality video and audio with a wide range of bit-rates and resolutions. In addition, MGW 2000 also supports near on-demand transmission of up to 16 pre-recorded streams, including MP3 files.

Turn your Network into a Streaming Media

Station MGW 2000 encodes, multiplexes and transmits up to 16 MPEG-2 and MPEG-1 streams (of these, up to 6 can be real-time streams), providing top-quality video and audio with a wide range of bit-rates and resolutions. MGW 2000is designed for large-scale video networking services that require quick, flexible and robust integration of video, audio and rich media streaming. Applications include video streaming over the broadband Internet, corporate Intranets and virtual private networks. MGW 2000 enables the deployment and development of advanced video streaming services such as shifted TV, interactive TV, Web TV, business TV, distance learning, business to business communications and and video to the desktop.



Technical Specs

Media Gateway Demo

You will need Flash 5


Easy Installation - Minimal Maintenance

MGW 2000 is a plug-and play rack-mounted, standalone appliance. It has no moving parts, making it the ideal platform for mission critical video networking and media streaming servers. For near on-demand services, MGW 2000 supports a SCSI interface that connects to an external storage drive. Encoding modules are swappable and can be easily adapted to changing application needs.

Remote Management

MGW 2000's remote management system enables the configuration, alarming operation and monitoring of multiple streams via a Web based management application. Alternatively, system integrators can develop customized front-ends using MGW 2000 ActiveX controls and DirectShow development tools.

Compatible & interoperable with the following Optibase products and service packs:


  • Plug-and-play, rack mounted stand-alone video streaming appliance
  • Encodes and transmits up to 16 live and pre-recorded streams (up to 6 in real-time)
  • Standard-based RTP transport protocol and UDP-based multicasting
  • Web-based remote management and local craft management via an Ethernet port
  • Real-time stream upload to video servers
  • MPEG-2, MPEG-1 and MP3 streaming from 32 Kbps to 10 Mbps


  • TV broadcast over IP
  • InteractiveTV
  • Shifted TV
  • Business TV
  • Distance Learning
  • B2Business communications
  • Video to the Desktop
  • Web TV




